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Chapter 3
The Call to Prayer

  1. The challenge of Carmel is to seek God's presence in prayer while living an active, busy life in the midst of the world. This was the situation faced by the first Carmelite hermits who migrated to Europe, men used to praying in solitude and now called to be involved in active ministry. Prayer and ministry are mutual companions according to our traditions. Prayer develops a center of faith which reaches out generously to others while involvement with others often energizes the movement to prayer. It is an attempt to live a prayerful presence in a busy world. It is a vitality which has graced the Church over the centuries.

  2. The sacramental life of the Church is central to the heart of a Lay Carmelite.

  3. The Liturgy of the Hours sanctifies our day and unites us to the prayer of the Church. In communities where the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the only book available, it may be used in place of the Liturgy of the Hours. Lay Carmelites shall be faithful to liturgical prayer and Marian devotions, especially the daily Rosary, as far as their circumstances of life allow.

  4. When not occupied with the daily demands of life, we are called by the Rule of Carmel to quietly listen to the Word which is formed in our hearts. This stillness and prayerful reflection on Scripture will lead to contemplative prayer after the pattern of Mary, our Mother, who "treasured all these things and reflected on them in her heart (Luke 2:19)."

  5. Through these efforts, the Lay Carmelite community shall become a clear sign to all others of the Church at prayer.


Created August 5, 1996 by Bro. Charles, O.Carm.

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